Tuesday, January 24, 2012

About Fashion

                Fashion is a good way to express yourself. If you like sports you can express it through wearing a soccer uniform. If you like to dress up, then wear a dress in public. Dont be embarrassed to wear what YOU want. If kids laugh at what your wearing than they obviously dont know REAL fashion. (Or your outfit is just plain bad.) So follow these helpful tips and look at some simple awesome outfits to get YOUR inspiration.

Do's and don't's

         Today at school i saw a girl wearing jeans and a skirt. It worked good with her because she always wears wacky and fun outfits. But i can not imagine anyone else pulling that off. So follow these do's and don't's.

Do- Only wear fashionable jackets with plain basic shirts.
Don't- Where stripes with stripes, dots with dots, swirls with swirls, ect.